About Us
Stacey, of Suffolk, decided to leave behind her corporate City life in order to follow her dreams – by starting up an all-natural soap business from the comfort of her summer house.

It was week two of the lockdown, and she had recently left a full-time career based in London in Construction.
The travel time from her home in Suffolk and the general stress of her position made her decide to take some time out and focus on her personal life. At that time, she had also just completed her first cycle of IVF, which was unfortunately unsuccessful. (UPDATE: Cycle 2 was successful and Stacey and her husband are now the proud parents of a little girl)
With the pandemic postponing her next IVF cycle, Stacey needed a distraction, so began to focus her attentions on looking after her nearest and dearest.
She had always made candles and soaps for personal use, so decided to put together some ‘Covid Care Packages’ for friends and loved ones.
While researching and perfecting her candles, she came across quite a few interesting hand-poured soap recipes. These caught her attention, and she decided to start creating some unique and creative soaps to include in these packages.
Stacey sent out 10 packages to her friends and family – and was overwhelmed with the positive feedback she received.
It's extremely important to Stacey to use only the highest quality natural, vegan friendly ingredients and eliminate all plastics used in packaging.
It's been an extremely busy and rewarding couple of years and now Stacey works with a small family based team and now ships her products around the world and can always be found at regional Crafts & Farmers Markets.